Clare McGregor

Want to change the world (or a small corner of it)?

I speak and write about my many mistakes helping people improve their own lives and the lives of others (regardless of prejudice, mental health problems, lack of education, homelessness and other challenges).

My consultancy helps charities, government and others bring ideas to life to reduce inequality and influence policy. I also founded the charity Coaching Inside and Out for prisoners and people convicted of offences.

Creating a charity/business, becoming a CEO/MD or just making the most of mistakes are all things I love to discuss. 

Please also feel free to contact me via LinkedIn or Twitter.


Author of 'Coaching Behind Bars' (which begins with me stuck in a prison)

Newnham 1991-1994, Classics (with a thesis on Asterix the Gaul)

Sarah Furness

Sarah Furness

Jen Ablitt

Jen Ablitt